Aujourd’hui, aux éditions du rocher, sort “L’aimé meurtrier” de Marine Mazeas. Un livre qui raconte des histoires de femmes qui ont eu une histoire d’amour avec une personne incarcérée, envers et contre tout/tous, dont la mienne. La militante anti peine de mort et son correspondant condamné.
Today, at éditions du rocher, is released “L’aimé meurtrier” by Marine Mazeas. A book that tells stories of women who have had a love story with an incarcerated person, against all odds, including mine. The anti death penalty activist and her condemned pen pal.
We worked on this book for over a year and it also tells the story of 7 other women.
It was interesting to see the different journeys, including those that end “badly”, because that’s the reality too. Sometimes we are wrong, and other times it only works for a while, and it does not take away the good times that were shared. I appreciated seeing that almost all of them went through a long period of questioning and I hope this will help to change the misconceptions about prisoners’ wives. I can’t wait to see how the book is received.
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