Every new year comes with its set of resolutions. Usually, we pick a big one and try to at least stick to it. I’ve never really made any resolution… I mean yes I’ve thought “this is the year I become more active or lose weight” (it’s funny how I have always wanted to lose weight and I am only now – now that I AM fat – realizing I was most of the time not fat at all). I never really had any vice I had to get rid of, like drinking or smoking, or partying too much. A few years, my only goal was to make it through another year. When I had just gotten married and I was stuck in France waiting for my visa, I was depressed and didn’t feel I could make it until then. And I did. And this year I should be more depressed than ever, because 2020 was terribly hard and 2021 was just damn crappy, but hey, I take a magic pill every night and then I feel pretty much nothing so I’m weirdly ok in my desperate circumstances. I do cry when my Instagram or TikTok feeds show me dying babies or bereaved parents, but that’s what it takes. For a long time the medication was not enough to get to this stage of unbothered but I’ve been rather stable the last couple of months maybe. Anyway, all this to say that now that I am getting my head out of the water a little bit, I am trying to get my life on track. I am constantly working because that refrains me from overthinking everything (and so getting depressed) but I definitely need a better life balance and some more “chill” time.
So no crazy resolutions for 2022, but some smart goals:
It may seem like a lot, but I don’t intent to start everything at once. Those are my goals for the whole year (maybe now it doesn’t look that much?).
I realized I read almost no books in 2021, because I was listening to podcasts all the time! So I started with this and aimed at reading 36 books in 2022. I am doing pretty okay so far with almost 2 books read. I gifted myself an audible subscription too (I was using scribd before but the books I wanted to read were never available when I wanted to so it got frustrating and I canceled my subscription). I am not crazy about the credit-based part of Audible so we’ll see next year if this worked out better for me or not. I’ve just heard of libro.fm that is apparently a better/more ethical choice as it supports local independent bookstores but since I paid Audible for a full year I probably won’t try it very soon.
The workout routine is going to be the toughest one I think. I have not been active at all for about a year. I had/have very little energy so this is one thing I always postpone (which is a good example of why I need to stop procrastinating 😉).
If I get more sleep, maybe I will have some energy for some kind of workout. But the primary goal is to get enough sleep to stop struggling to stay awake at work! I can confidently say that in 2021 I did not sleep more than around 5 hours a night, except for some occasional Sundays. Not even close to enough. I was doing okay since the beginning of the year but I am failing this week (like right now, typing this at midnight when I need to get up at 6:30 am). This sleep goal is very important so go to bed Sigrid!
Develop my businesses. Wire of Hope has developed nicely in 2021 so we feel our hard work is finally being rewarded. But we have bigger goals for WoH and hope 2022 will be a breakthrough!
Sweet Undertone has been inconsistently around since 2015 but making cards (almost always inspired by my husband) is my happy place and after finding a more sustainable way to produce them, my shop has started to have regular sales since August. Nothing crazy but the average would be a little over 20 orders a month so I think there are good grounds for development.
Speak up. Well, I have been vocal about many things, especially about the enormous flaws of the Florida Department of Corrections. But I also kept a lot to myself about my personal experience visiting Union Correctional Institution. Now that I feel that I have lost everything, I see no reason to keep those – traumatic – experiences to myself anymore. I might have a bigger platform to talk about all that sometimes this year, so I will hold on a little longer, but I will have to release this eventually, just to get it off my chest.
The reasons why procrastinating should be a no-no this year are obvious, however, starting a new hobby is an even bigger NO. I discover something, research it for hours/days/weeks, decide it’s for me, buy all the supplies (and I mean ALL the supplies), do it like a mad-woman for a few weeks (until I get it pretty much right)… and stop? I guess I jump to another hobby more than I stop but the reality is half my house is full of craft supplies that it’s likely I might not touch some of those again. I do not have the space, I do not have the money to waste. NO NEW HOBBY. Go back to an old hobby and keep rotating. Maybe that’ll work? Well, I’m back to knitting at the moment so there is hope.
Any realistic but still challenging goals for you this year?